First Print
Now that we've covered the very basics on the Duet Web Control Interface, and ran the Bed Leveling Assistant it's time to GET PRINTING.
Test Prints: print the test prints first
Before you start slicing and printing your own models it is highly recommended that you print the Test Prints that come pre-loaded for your M3D Crane Series printer. To ensure that your M3D Crane Series printer is operating exactly as intended, we've included several Test Prints that have been created in order to ensure optimal functionality. These test prints are already sliced and ready to go. You can access the Test Prints via the LCD screen Menu.
While it is necessary to use CMYK filament in order to use the Crane Quad's color mixing function, it's NOT necessary to use CMYK filament at all times. During the first few calibration prints, as with all printers SOME experimentation is to be expected and you may go through filament while you are getting to know your new printer. We suggest using a filament you are most comfortable with to start. Our test prints have however been sliced with ABS-R in mind.
To access the Test Prints:
Select Prepare
Move the knob to scroll through the Menu and Select Test Prints
Select Basic Test Print
The Test Print will start running once selected. It may take several moments to start as the bed and the nozzle will need to get up to running temperature. Be sure to save detailed images of your Test Prints!
Uploading and Printing:
In the upper right corner of the Duet Web Control Interface click on the Upload and Print button.
When you click on the Upload and Print button it will open a window that allows you to choose which gcode file you want to upload. The file will then be uploaded and the printing process will begin.
The bed as well as the nozzle will begin to heat up according with the settings contained within the gcode file provided by your slicer, and once it's up to temp the print will start.
Print Status:
Near the lower left corner of the Duet Web Control Console there are tabs. Underneath the Machine Control tab will be Printer Status.
Clicking on the Print Status tab will open a Print Control screen where you can monitor many aspects of your print as well as make changes in real time during the printing process.
It's recommended that you do not make any changes without first doing further reading so as to not inadvertently cause damage to the print OR your M3D Crane Series Printer.
Printing Your Spool Holder:
As stated in the first section of this Guide, the Crane Quad no longer comes with the 3D printed spool holder in the box. We do provide the STL file of the updated single spool holder in the Unboxing/Assembly section and it's been included here as well. Because the Spool Holder is a single, it's much smaller and a fairly easy print to experiment with. This print will help you get to know your printer and help you calibrate it. You can download the STL here:
You DO NOT need to use CMYK filament in order to print with your Crane Quad, unless you're wishing to use it's color mixing function. For calibration or test prints it is suggested you use a filament you are most comfortable with.
Congratulations on your first print with your new M3D Crane Quad printer!! The possibilities are seemingly endless with the M3D Crane Quad, not only will you experience exceptional print quality but you can now do so in stunning, vivid color! You can now experiment with a variety of different colors and materials which will open even greater avenues of creativity and expression.
Operator notes:
The Crane Quad print head comes with an exceptionally strong fan. Be aware that if you are having difficulties with layer adhesion, or are getting "crunchy" prints you may need to LOWER you fan setting to 15%.
Feel free to contribute to our ever expanding catalog of user submissions to share your knowledge and experience with the M3D Crane Quad color mixing print head as we continue to grow together as a 3D printing community by following the Community Submissions and Attributions section of this guide. Also don't forget to check out the Advanced Tuning for M3D Crane Series section of this guide for more information.
Last updated