About Community Submissions

Community Support through Submissions:

Using GitHub to submit your contribution:

Once you have made a GitHub account, navigate to the PrintM3D GitHub home page and select the repository that fits your contribution.

When you have reached the correct repository for your contribution, you will need to create a branch in order to make your edits, add your contribution, or make any other changes that will help support the PrintM3D Community.

Once you are happy with your changes, you are free to save them by clicking the commit changes button.

After your changes have been made, and saved within the new branch you will need to create a Pull Request. The Pull Request will alert our team that there are new submissions up for review within the PrintM3D repositories. If you would like your submissions to be reviewed by a specific M3D team member, or contributing member of the PrintM3D community you should use the @mention system when filling out your Pull Request.

Last updated